On my way


Everyday I am on my way. And although you sometimes think that a day is just a repetition of another day. It never is.

Some days you feel bad, or sad, or happy, or lucky, or courageous, or passionate, or … . Anyway each day is different, and you never know in advance what your day will bring.

This project is all about this. Life is unpredictable. Don’t worry too much about the future. Don’t stay too long with negative thoughts about something in the past. You can’t change it. But you can change your emotions.

One day I had very strong emotions. I took my camera out for a walk and found out that focusing on a color helped me getting more relaxed. My project was born. Each day I walk the streets and focus on a color. You can even call it some kind of mediation if you want.

But what about the words?

Well, these are the ones you learn more about me. They will tell you what keeps me busy.

So you have the photo, you have the illustration you have the mix of this two, and you have the words. Connected.

For me, I call it fusion art. As with fusion kitchen I think mixing things/arts (and cultures) can be very interesting and create new ways of thinking, seeing and in this case … images.

A final note:

Don’t always go and look for the big things, try to see and enjoy the everyday.

Live this day.


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